

A python wrapper for around the SpeedCurve API v1. Heavily influenced by github3.py

Full documentation

Example Use

from speedcurve import SpeedCurve

sc = SpeedCurve(api_key='your-api-key-here')
# Get all sites for a user
sites = sc.sites()

# Get trends and all tests for a URL
urls = sc.urls()

# Get trends and chrome tests for a URL
urls = sc.url(browser='chrome')

# Get a test
test = sc.test(id='140317_BA_3W8')

# Get all the notes for the main site
notes = sc.notes()

# Add a note. Timestamp defaults to now()
note = sc.create_note(
    note="Cleared CDN Cache",
    detail="Testing origin response times"

# Add a deployment to default Site for API key
    note="Code deployment",
    detail="Triggered a deployment to test session capability"

# Add a deployment and trigger round of testing specified by site-id
    note="Code deployment",
    detail="Triggered a deployment to test origin response times."""


Run pip install -r dev-requirements.txt. You can then execute tox.


  1. Fork the repository and make changes (add yourself to AUTHORS.rst)
  2. Test changes locally by running tox
  3. Squash changes into a single commit
  4. Create pull request to develop branch


Travis-CI will FAIL if there isn’t 100% test coverage. Please include a test with your change.

Welcome to Speedcurve.py’s documentation!

API Documentation

Indices and tables